The Secret to Higher Productivity in Creative Teams

In creative agencies, the search for improved productivity is often at odds with traditional management structures, which can lead to inefficiencies and a lack of creativity.

In a thought-provoking chat with Jack Skeels, CEO of AgencyAgile and the mind behind the book “Unmanaged: Master the Magic of Creating Empowered and Happy Organizations,” we explore how breaking away from conventional hierarchies could unlock a team’s full potential. We delve into why reshaping the way we think about management is crucial for increasing productivity and cultivating a happier workplace.

Jack Skeels talks about why the usual hierarchical setup in teams can be toxic to creative agencies. “In an agency, everyone should have the opportunity to reach the top, but the traditional pyramid structure means that individuals are often pitted against each other in their climb,” he shares. This competitive framework not only curbs individual growth but also dampens the collective creative spirit. By setting up a system where success is limited to a few, it inadvertently fosters a culture of competition rather than one of collective achievement.

To change this, Skeels champions a rather innovative restructuring strategy: dividing larger agencies into smaller, nimble ‘pods’. A 50 or 60-person agency could be reorganised into two 30-person agencies or pods.

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